Written by Cynthia Haynes DiSavino
Run Time: 90 min
Cast: 4F, 4M
Set Requirements: Unit Set
IS THERE LIFE AFTER FIFTY? is a new comedy that flirts with a topical theme: turning the big FIVE O, and the scary question (gulp) what lies beyond?
Three couples who all raised their kids on the same street have found a way to keep in touch after they move to new cities. Each year, on Labor Day weekend, the friends, now in their fifties, vacation together. This year, the ladies have planned a little surprise: a healthy, all-natural weekend at a trendy health resort, complete with organic food and exercise. The men, who really come for the beer and snacks, are not pleased when they find out.
Tensions escalate into an all-out battle of the sexes, and the cabin is divided, literally, into the men against the women. They battle over health food, exercise, pizza, The Godfather, rock and roll, hot tubs, hot flashes, tummy tucks and their refusal to become middle-aged!
From its smash hit premiere run at the Rainbow Dinner Theatre in Lancaster, PA, IS THERE LIFE AFTER FIFTY? has played at theatres large and small, from California to North Carolina and in between. The show not only made audiences scream with laughter, it touched them as well.
Past Productions
Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre
Goodfield, Illinois
Extended run!
Theater Bartlesville
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
BroadHollow Theatre
East Islip, New York
Blue Ridge Theatre Guild
Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Garbeau’s Dinner Theatre
Rancho Cordova, California
Community Players of Greene County
Jefferson, Iowa
Hanover Community Players
Hanover, Ontario
Grand Island Little Theatre
Grand Island, Nebraska
Rainbow Dinner Theatre
Paradise, Pennsylvania
Bell Tower Theatre
Dubuque, Iowa
West T. Hill Community Theatre
Danville, Kentucky
Barn Dinner Theatre
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greece Paint Players
Rochester, New York
Rainbow’s Comedy Playhouse
Paradise, Pennsylvania