Book, Music and Lyrics by Michael Berkeley
Run Time: 60 min
Cast: 8 Principals, 4 – 40 Ensemble
Orchestration: Piano, Bass, Drums
Set Requirements: Unit Set
A new musical by the author of IMAGINE THAT!
OFF THE WALL, a rollicking musical for youth, deals with issues of prejudice, self esteem, and pride in being who you are. A tuneful, show-bizzy adventure featuring “egg people,” OFF THE WALL tells the exploits of Dumpty (a character loosely based on Humpty Dumpty) who, as the town sentinel, sits on the wall constructed to “protect the community,” his girlfriend Eggetha Bombshell (a cabaret singer form New York City’s Yolkacabana Night Club), the “Bad Eggs” (a notorious gang of thieves who sing doo wop and communicate through tapping the Morse code), and the kids of the town who resist their parents’ advice to steer clear of “egg people.”
Past Productions
Fountain Hills Youth Theater
Fountain Hills, Arizona
Mitchell Shire Council
Victoria, Australia
Colchester Community Theatre
Colchester, Connecticut