The Pin-Up Girls
Written by James Hindman and Jeffrey Lodin
Run Time: 1hr 55 min
Cast: 3 Women, 1 Man (flexible)
Orchestrations: Piano, Bass (optional), Drums (optional)
Set Requirements: Unit Set
From The Andrew Sisters to hip-hop! From World War I to Afghanistan. The Pin-Up Girls sing a cavalcade of hits inspired by letters home from our troops overseas! While singing at their local VFW hall, Leanne and her friends stumble upon a huge stash of letters that go back a hundred years. Inspired by what they find— funny, romantic, heartbreaking and… sexy— the ladies put on a show that celebrates the guys and gals who fight to defend our country.
“From Gershwin to Beyonce! A musical love letter full of nostalgia and pride!”
“A lively script! Engaging piano arrangements! Evocative song list!”
North Texas Performing Arts News
“A big red-lipstick kiss to our overseas veterans, then and now!”
Note from the Author
Jeffrey and I spent months gathering letters from service men and women and their families – some as far back as World War One. The more we read, the more these heroes of war became… people: people with loves and losses and dreams for their future. And we wondered, with the closing of so many VFW Halls, what will happen to these stories? With a new twist on tunes from Gershwin to Beyonce to Hip-Hop, we put together our favorite stories to celebrate all the women and men who have served our country.