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Barbara Gehring and Linda Klein

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Barbara Gehring and Linda Klein Creators of GIRLS ONLY – THE SECRET COMEDY OF WOMEN® Ms. Gehring and Ms. Klein both began writing and performing comedy at an early age. While young Barbara directed elaborate puppet shows in her secret fort, a thousand miles away in Canada, little Linda was producing extravagant backyard circuses in a tiny Colorado mountain town. Neither could have foreseen how well these skills would blend together nearly 30 years later when they wrote the hit comedy show GIRLS ONLY – THE SECRET COMEDY OF WOMEN®. Had they known each other all those years ago, Girls Only is exactly the type of show they would have created together. And now as adults, it exactly the kind of show they’ve always wanted to perform in. Gehring and Klein have been successfully pursuing careers in the entertainment industry for over fifteen years and have rich expertise in the areas of performance, writing, creative thinking, logistics, administration, marketing and public relations. Girls Only has its foundations in the body of work created by the international comedy trio A.C.E. of which Barbara and Linda are two thirds, along with their long time business and creative partner, Matthew Taylor. After successful productions in several other cities around North America, they are excited to bring GIRLS ONLY to Pittsburgh. Who knew that all this could be born out of sharing childhood diaries with each other? Learn more are at

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Girls Only
